mandag 12. desember 2016

Castleton botanical gardens

Aaand finally!! I get to tell some of the fun stuff! Castleton botanical garden. I'm not that big fan of beaches to be honest. Scratchy sand everywhere, crabs, lots of europeans on holliday, with loud children...No, definitly not my thing. Smooth, quiet tropical garden? Yes please!! The others didn't agree with me, but I convinced them to come along today, before our trip was over, we leave in just a few days you see.

Well, we left with a bus shortly after breakfast, dressed as typical tourists in shorts and caps and crazy t-shirts in every colour of the rainbow. The garden was located twenty kilometres outside of Kingston, so the drive was not long at all. there isn't much to say of the gardens, I think the pictures will say more that I can. I did however read that there are over 4000 pifferent plants there, hundreds of different species of palmtrees. They all looked alike to me, though.
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The garden itself was opened i 1862. And so it is one of the eldest botanical gardens on the western hemisphere. Nowadays it is open to the public everyday and is a good spot for a picnic if you have a little free time on your hands.
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we met a couple of nice ladies washing clothes in the river

Wasn't it lovely? We spent a couple of houres there sunbathing on the grass and eating ice cream, before we went home at four o'clock. After that we had a delicious dinner, and now we are currentlly preparing for bed.
Good night my friends!

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