mandag 12. desember 2016

Bob Marley Museum

Hey, lovely readers!

The weather here in Kingston is very hot, around 30°C. Since we had already planned a trip to the Bob Marley Museum, the air condition there really helped.

 (Us, outside the museum.)

 It was previously Bob Marley’s house. 6 years after his death, his wife converted their home into a museum about Bob Marley’s life.)
We had such a nice time at the Bob Marley Museum. If any of you readers are interested, here’s the address; 56 Hope Road Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. The entry fee is $25 USD per adult. As we are five adults, we had had to pay $125 USD. Kind of expensive, but the one and a half hour guided tour was worth it. We viewed personal treasures of Bob Marley and the photographic gallery. The Bob Marley Museum is a well-known attraction, even Barack Obama has paid it a visit!

After our guided-tour had ended, we all had a small meal at the café there, before browsing the museum’s souvenir shop. We ended up buying Bob Marley’s cd called Legend. I look forward to listening to it when we drive to Saint Ann later this week.

Also, since I’m talking about Bob Marley’s Museum, maybe I should tell you a bit about the man himself?
Bob Marley was born in 1945 and his passing in 1981 made him 36 years old. He’s regarded as one who made reggae more accepted in countries outside of Jamaica by achieving international fame with his music. On a more personal level; Marley had in total 12 confirmed kids, of which only three were with his wife Rita and two adopted from Rita’s previous relationships. Additionally, Marley viewed cannabis as a healing herb and supported the legalisation of the drug. Just some controversial information for you to know.J
With the musical group The Wailing Wailers, Bob Marley made in total 13 studio albums. The album which we bought at the museum called Legend is instead a compilation album and was released 3 years after his death. Still, it is the best-selling-reggae album of all time, with an estimated 25 million copies sold globally.

Is that not amazing?! Again, we had such a great time at the Bob Marley Museum, and I recommend every one of you to visit it if you ever find yourself in Kingston. Have a continued good day/afternoon wherever you are.

-Inger Marie

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