mandag 12. desember 2016

Religions in Jamaica

There are a lot religious beliefs in Jamaica, as the freedom of believing in whatever god you want, was guaranteed by Jamaica’s constitution. Though, most Jamaicans are Protestant. This is due to the Jamaican cultural development, has been deeply influenced by British traditions (European influences). Things like the language, the cuisine, and the music in Jamaica, are influenced by African culture.

Anyhow, heres a chart of the different practiced religions in Jamaica!

Of the practiced religions in Jamaica, you've got Rastafari.
Rastafari is a religion that originated from Jamaica, and began 1930 - as you may remeber, i talked a bit about reggae in a few blogposts ago! Hand in had with reggae, came Rastafari! (a popular rastan, is Bob Marley). Many parts of what we connect with Jamaica today is a big part of the religion, like dreadlocks, and drugs, but it also has a lot in common with christianity!

I hope this explained a bit about the religions in Jamaica!



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